The objective of the Council for Asian Musicology shall be the advancement of research and study in the field of Asian music, for which purpose, all interested persons, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, are encouraged to become members. Its aims include serving the membership and council at large through the dissemination of knowledge concerning the music of the world’s peoples.
Asian Musicology is a refereed journal published once a year by Peter Lang Group AG on behalf of the Council for Asian Musicology. The journal publishes original or translated articles from Asian languages in the field of Asian music, broadly defined, and is currently indexed by RILM, CNKI Scholar, Google Scholar, and AMI (China Humanities and Social Sciences Core Journals). From Volume 33 onward, Asian Musicology publishes both a digital open access (OA) version and a print version. The digital OA version is now available at the following URL:
Asian Musicology welcomes articles on all aspects of the performing arts of Asia. Manuscript should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style and should be submitted to the editor via email at (or Contributors of essays will receive five free copies of the volume in which their essays appear. Contributors need not be members of the Council.
Asian Musicology functions as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, news, and information. Inquiries pertaining to advertising in the journal should be directed to the editor of the journal.